The Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has made us all reevaluate the work environment and the extreme need to make it safe from air born illnesses. Now that we are opening back up, we have a new normal for interaction in the workplace. Employers are under pressure to put in place social distancing policies to ensure employees…
RFID and SCADA for the Ultimate BMS Solution
BMS (Building Management System) Software is the cornerstone for any modern facility. It takes a revolutionary SCADA package to bring all the capabilities of a building into a single user interface. InformaTrac and PcVue, using today’s state of the art technology, easily couples RFID and SCADA for the ultimate BMS solution. Industrial facilities, data centers,…
Integrating Ashton Potters ProLinc® Software
ProLinc® Product Security and Traceability Solution ProLinc is a leading-edge technology for managing pedigree and data collection for your plant floor and process data. With standard configurable integration tools, ProLinc can be easily configured communicate in real time with your existing business systems. There’s no longer a need to maintain disjointed information and manually create…
InformaTrac Pro IoT Controller
InformaTrac is proud to announce the upcoming release of the InformaTrac Pro IoT Controller. The new InformaTrac Pro IoT Controller is an Edge Technology device that brings the benefits of local hardware devices to the world of cloud computing. By bridging the gap, the IoT controller can make local technologies such as RFID, Printing and…
Food Regulatory & Quality Assurance Summit 2019
[spacer height=”20px”] InformaTrac is excited to attend the 10th annual Food Regulatyr & Quality Assurance Summit at the Old Mil Toronto in Toronto, Canada on October 29 & 30, 2019. [spacer height=”20px”] At the summit, InformaTrac will be joining Ashton Potter to present the Forensic Traceability Technology, ProLinc and also to discuss industry best practices…
Pack Expo 2019
InformaTrac will be joining Ashton Potter at the Pack Expo in Las Vegas on September 23-25, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. For more information on the expo click
ProLinc Gold Tier Integrator
InformaTrac is proud to announce that it has become the Gold Tier integrator for Ashton Potter’s ProLinc enterprise software solution. [spacer height=”20px”] Ashton Potter is a global provider of product security solutions. With more than 90 years in the security printing industry and the ability to provide high volume traceability they understand the complex requirements…
WESTEC will be Introducing the Manufacturing Technology Series at the Long Beach Convention Center in California on September 24-26, 2019. The team at InformaTrac look forward to seeing you there. For more information click on
SEMICON West 2019
It’s almost time for SEMICON West and Design West. These are two must see events and are happening at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA on July 9-11, 2019. The team at InformaTrac look forward to seeing everyone there.
RFID Beyond Inventory
Technology is what drives our industries and RFID is leading the way with new and innovative uses. By embracing these new technologies and incorporating them into our processes we can maintain that competitive edge and continue to grow. By ignoring it, we’re simply allowing for the inevitability that the rest of the industry will leave…